6 Ways Teachers Benefit from Odeum's Game Based Learning


There are many game based learning benefits for students discussed in today's literature including improving critical thinking, memory, and meeting learning objectives due to increased engagement. However, not as much is discussed about the benefits of game based learning (GBL) to teachers. Here are 6 benefits to teachers of using the Odeum platform for game based learning.

  1. Single Library of Game Based Learning Games

According to a recent survey, 80% of teachers have a difficult time finding games aligned to their content. The Odeum platform makes it easy with a single library to search for games by subject, topic, keyword, and grade. Teachers rate and review games to ensure quality. 

2. Student Feedback through constant Assessment 

The Odeum platform provides customizable feedback on student progress. It lets teachers know what concepts, vocabulary, or learning objectives students had difficulty with. It can be used as an assessment to provide teachers with instant and auto-graded feedback. Teachers can use a flipped-classroom approach and assign games as homework. 

3. Class Feedback 

The class dashboard is a single place for a teacher to view assessment feedback on all students. This gives the teacher feedback to determine if they need to re-teach any concepts or move at a faster pace. Class data can be synced up to Google Classroom. 

4. Customization of content and learning objectives 

One problem teachers have in finding games is they don’t always align with a teacher's curriculum or their student’s needs. All the content in Odeum’s games can be modified, simplified, or expanded on giving the teacher complete control. Quests or learning objectives can be modified or turned off and individual character dialogue can be altered. Have specific vocabulary words you’re working on, simply edit the dialogue to add them in. 

5. Create your own games

If a game or topic doesn’t exist in the library, teachers have the option to create their own. Not every teacher will do this, but if they do, they can share it back to the library for other teachers to use. Creating games in Odeum is easy. Teachers just worry about the educational content, not the 3D environment. The 3D environment is simply connected using drop-down menus. 

6. Seeing your students engaged

Allowing students to explore topics in 3D Virtual Worlds through game-play that is directly aligned to learning objectives allows students to have fun while learning. This positive engagement with a topic allows teachers to see that spark of learning in their students and set them up for a lifelong love of exploring and learning about their world.  

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